Dr Rebecca Nightingale - clinical academic Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine(LSTM) and honorary consultant respiratory physio at Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation

Find out more about Dr Rebecca Nightingale here from her biography

Dr Rebecca Nightingale
Dr Rebecca Nightingale

Becky is a clinical academic at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine(LSTM) and an honorary consultant respiratory physio at Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust. 

Becky graduated from Southampton University in 2004 and went to work at University Hospital Southampton where she stayed full time until 2010 and in locum capacity until 2016. In 2010 Becky moved to Kenya, to help develop a rural medical into a hospital. She led on the development of their acute care service, progressing from no beds into a 90 bedded fully functioning hospital. Becky holds an MSc in Global Health from University Colleague London and an Mres from Liverpool University.  On returning full time to the UK, Becky completed a MRC funded PhD program at LSTM. She focused on the clinical care of hard-to-reach populations with chronic lung disease. Her PhD studied two populations , those recovering from TB in Malawi and heroin smokers with COPD in Liverpool. She is an author on over 20 peer reviewed publications and teaches on the clinical master in tropical medicine at LSTM. Clinically Becky is a non-medical prescriber, working as physio within respiratory medicine.

She led the CPAP service in the Royal Liverpool hospital during COVID-19 and later published the data from this service. She is currently involved with long-covid both from a research and clinical perspective, but her main interest remains with the hardest reach populations both in the UK and oversees.  

Welcome Becky.

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