Dr. Alison Aries profile

Find out more about Dr. Alison Aries in her biography

Dr. Alison Aries

I played a key role in the development of the Stroke Early Supported Discharge (ESD) service in Wolverhampton. I work part-time as a lecturer within the School of Allied Health Professions and also work as a Clinical Academic in the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust driving neurological research.

My research interests lie predominantly in neurology, including, neuroplasticity and rehabilitation of stroke patients. I completed my PhD ‘Somatosensory stimulation to improve lower-limb recovery after stroke’, finishing in 2020. 

As part of a prestigious NIHR Clinical Academic Doctoral fellowship (completed between April 2015 and March 2018) I successfully developed standardised protocols and then set up and ran a mixed-methods, randomized, blinded feasibility study exploring sensory stimulation to the foot post-stroke.

Details of this study can be found at the following link, Orcid link here 

This three-year fellowship also enabled further development of my clinical and leadership skills and opportunities to build international collaborations.

In preparation for the fellowship, I worked as a blinded assessor for the FAST INdiCATE trial:

Clinical efficacy of functional strength training for upper limb motor recovery early after stroke: neural correlates and prognostic indicators

This multi-centre, randomised, controlled, observer-blind trial was funded by the NIHR/MRC Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) programme, and was sponsored by University of East Anglia, Norwich.

My current NIHR CRN Research Scholarship and a West Midlands Post-Doctoral Bridging Fellowship will facilitate moving my research forward to help benefit stroke survivors in the future.

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